June 28-30, 2022
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn Napoli

Summer School
The Evolution of Enzymes and
Metabolic Pathways in Marine Organisms:
The Summer School will be held at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples on June 28- 30. The program will include theoretic lectures on function and evolution of enzymes and metabolic pathways. Moreover, an insight on metabolic pathways engineering and optimization for biotechnological applications will be given. Lectures will be integrated with practical tutorials on the use of public databases and softwares, as well as high-throughput analyses. Participants are encouraged to work on their own laptop. The number of participants will be limited to 25. The scientific program of this summer school has been chosen to be supported by Assemble Plus in the framework of the “Knowledge Exchange and Training courses for new users”.
Brief Introduction
Although the mechanisms by which individual enzymes evolve are relatively well understood, individual enzymes rarely confer a physiological advantage on their own, and their biological importance is usually understandable only in the context of metabolism. In the earliest times of biotic evolution, the emergence of metabolic pathways allowed primitive organisms to become increasingly less-dependent on exogenous sources of organic compounds. Subsequently, the diversification of metabolism in various organismal lineages depended (and still depend) on a myriad of factors, including primarily the response to environmental constrains and the adaptation to different ecologic niches. This is well-exemplified by the pathways in secondary (specialized) metabolism, which typically produce molecules that interfere with the biology of other organisms (e.g., environmental competitors, hosts…). Other factors (such as the efficient integration between different branches of metabolism and the optimization of regulatory processes) also presumably contribute to the evolution of metabolic systems. The studies on the evolution of enzymes in the context of metabolic pathways, besides providing a better knowledge of metabolism itself and of life in general, may offer important insights to the technologies that rely on metabolic engineering.
The Evolution of Enzymes and
Metabolic Pathways in Marine Organisms:
analysis, understanding and implications
for biotechnology
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For other questions and comments email sspe1@szn.it